I have not posted in
a while and plan on starting up again. Below is a bit of a summary of what
I have been doing and some thoughts on future posts.
On Saturday, October
29th, Matt Callison and I presented at the Pacific
Symposium. We presented on the work we have been developing on the
sinew channels (some of which has been featured on this blog). This
presentation covered background on sinew channel study from the
Lingshu to the present, and
discussed what we are using to further expand this concept. This
includes modern functional anatomy, fascial research, ongoing cadaver
studies, and clinical observation, among other things.
then explored a few channels (Urinary Bladder sinew channel, Liver
sinew channel, Gallbladder sinew channel, Small Intestine sinew
channel) and looked at some clinical examples. We performed a few
demonstrations on volunteers from the audience for Iliac Crest
Syndrome (we referred to this as Yaoyan
syndrome, as the pain presents at the extrapoint Yaoyan)
and on Levator Scapula
Syndrome. In both examples,
we looked at the common muscle imbalances and, through the lens of
the sinew channels the channel imbalances associated with these pain
syndromes individually. These pain syndromes tend to be associated
with an elevated ilium (with Yaoyan
syndrome) and a elevator
scapula (for levator scapula syndrome).

(12/1-12/4), I retook a visceral manipulation course through the
Barral Institute. I have been interested and influenced by this work
for a long time and plan on studying it in earnest this coming year.
While this blog focuses on the development of a more anatomically
precise model for the sinew channels, I believe that visceral
manipulation gives much insight into how the internals relate to the
myofascia (how the primary channels nourish and influence the sinew
channels). This will be discussed further in a future post. For
now, I will share an image of the liver and its relationship to the
diaphragm and the quadratus lumborum. Jean-Pierre Barral, the
developer of visceral manipulation, feels that excessive energy in
the liver disperses into the quadratus lumborum and psoas muscles (Fig. 3).
Again, more discussion on this is to come.
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