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Fig. 1: Upper Cross Syndrome |
In the last blog post, I wrote about a common postural disparity
called Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS) which involves a head-forward posture and
scapular protraction. Upper Cross Syndrome is a muscle imbalance which includes
a combination of overactive, shortened muscles and inhibited, lengthened
muscles. We can visualize this by looking at a person from the side and
picturing an X overlaying the body as illustrated in Fig. 1; one leg of the X
indicates the overactive muscles (the posterior cervical extensors and
pectoralis muscles) and another indicates the inhibited muscles (the lower and
middle trapezius and rhomboids and the anterior cervical flexors).
Also discussed in this post was the sinew channels (jingjin) involved in UCS. Specifically, the Lung and Large
Intestine sinew channels were seen to work in a coordinated fashion to balance
the scapula and were involved with imbalance as seen in scapular protraction.
In protraction, the muscles of the Lung sinew channel (pectoralis minor) were
short and overactive while the muscles of the Large Intestine sinew channel
(the middle and lower trapezius) were inhibited.
The Kidney and Urinary Bladder sinew channels work together to balance the cervical spine in relationship to flexion and
extension. In a head forward posture, the muscles of the Urinary Bladder sinew
channel (comprising the cervical extensors such as the splenius cervicis and
capitis) were overactive while the muscles of the Kidney sinew channel
(comprising the deep cervical flexors such as the longus colli and capitis)
were inhibited.
So, in terms
of the sinew channels, the structures involved with UCS are Lung/Large Intestine
and Kidney/Urinary Bladder. Interestingly, the zangfu pattern commonly seen
with UCS parallels this, as seen in a study done by Matt Callison,
M.S., L.Ac. Callison presented the finding of this study at the Pacific
Symposium in November of 2011. He took a sample size of 150 (this
has now grown to over 250) and had them fill out a questionnaire
which included common questions asked as part of the examination methods in
TCM. In addition, postural assessment was performed revealing five basic
postural patterns. These are seen in Fig 2 below.
Matching the results from the questionnaire revealed trends that allowed a comparison between these five common postural disparities and common Zangfu diagnoses. Relevant to this discussion, respondents with UCS as seen in the first image in Fig 2 gave answers that would be consistent with Spleen, Lung and Kidney deficiency. Observing this posture, one can see the compression of the lungs which affects breathing, but also the middle jiao is compressed and there is a bowing of the abdomen. Kidney deficiency manifests with a reduction in tone of the stabilizing muscles of the spine, especially the cervical spine in UCS. Note: UCS involves the Lung and Kidney sinew channels and their respective internally and externally related channels. UCS describes a Western muscle imbalance, first discussed by Vladamir Janda. It is only describing the relationship of the shoulder girdle and the head/cervical balance. In practice, I see the Spleen sinew channel involved, as it incorporates the deep abdominal fascia which, when restricted, can contribute to a bowing of the abdomen.
The question
that often arises is that of chronology. Which came first: the posture or the
pattern? In my opinion, this is a somewhat unimportant question; it is more
useful simply to understand that structure and function are related. One affects
the other. Possibly there is no answer to this question, as dysfunction
occurs differently for everyone. Some may have zangfu dysfunction, which
affects the channels and collaterals and leads to a change in the posture. Others
may have a job or other circumstance that affects the posture and, due to the
strain on the internal organs, leads to zangfu disharmony.
What is more important to consider is that addressing the posture can impact the health of the zangfu. This will reinforce and broaden treatment with distal points in an acupuncture session, and with herbs, diet, and lifestyle changes.